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Derseland, 1850

Can a bet change the fate of two people? In the evocative nineteenth century setting of English countryside, in the estate of the Earls of Barrow in Derseland the vicissitudes of the castle's inhabitants and their guests unfold. And as life goes by sometimes momotonous, sometimes enlivened by pleasant and unpleasant episodes, adventures and loves interwine: from the fresh and innocent love of Adam scion of the Barrow family fort little Charlotte to the frivolous love between Lord McLeod and Isabel Palmer and the mature love of Gilbert Thorton for Emma Wellinton, who resents Mr Thorton's judegemente of women. The wager Emma proposes to Gilbert which he accepts, in a attempt to win the heart of the young and attractive guest of the Earls of Barrow will mark a turning point in their lives.

(The saga of the Earls of Barrow - Book 1, English edition) (English translation by Lorenza Balbo)


Derseland, 1850

The high crencellated tower of the castle was reflected for three quarters on the puddle. It had recently rained, and the fields of the valley were completely soaked.

Susan jumped into the puddle dissolving the immage of the tower reflected on the water which appared upside down.

She wore a red velvet hooded cloack to protecy herself from the cold and carried a bascket on her arm.

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